15 ways to propel your career as a techie💻 in 2023

If you think this article is coming late, then you're probably right but then, I guess it's better late than never😉. The year 2023 recently just started and I'm sure that, just like me, several developers are thinking😕, "What are my plans for this year for my programming career?" And some others are just going with the flow and the vibe and of course, that is necessarily not a bad thing to do, however, I wouldn't advise you just go with the flow. There's a track record of planning and intentionality bringing about a higher rate of success as opposed to spontaneity.

Let's jump right into it! Today, I'm going to be highlighting several ways you can propel your tech career in 2023.

Learn a new technology🌟

As simple and as innocent as it sounds, learning a new technology can literally skyrocket your career. It's okay to have more than one technology mastered, it actually gives you leverage compared to others who don't.

Document your journey💾

Keep a track of the achievements and the setbacks in your tech career. This will help inspire yourself and inspire others as well You can choose to share this publicly or privately, the choice is yours.

Start blogging📕

We definitely cannot underestimate the power of blogging in software development. Personally, I've noticed that not only does this help you help other developers, but it also helps you to help yourself think over topics and understand them well. Putting out helpful information is good for you both the creator and the audience.

Give Technical Talks🎤

I have never given a tech talk before but I hope to get the opportunity to do that before the year runs out. Giving tech talks elevates your confidence and also gives you the opportunity to help others.

Join tech communities👪

There are a million and one existing tech communities, it will be helpful to be a part of one. Belonging to a community gives you access to mentorship, resources and opportunities. Ultimately, having a community of people with similar career goals will help keep you motivated.


Volunteering, they say, is at the very core of being a human. If you've spent some time in the tech industry, then volunteering can be quite a game changer for your career. It's never too early to start volunteering. Having a sense of responsibility for others is an attitude that can propel your own career far more than you can imagine.

Contribute to open source📂

Contributing to open-source projects helps to build and demonstrate your tech skills. To top it all, your open-source experience can serve as work experience on your resume.

Review and revamp your old projects👀

Dig up your old projects and revamp them. If your skills are getting better, then your projects should get better as well.

Read tech books📚

It is very easy as techies to underestimate the essence of reading books, but books are a very valid source of knowledge, expertise and experience. If you want to be a leader in the tech world, you must consider opening a tech book!

Create realistic goals and have sustainable systems🎇

"Go big or go home", they say, it is however important that we in all honesty set achievable and realistic goals. For example, it is a bit unrealistic to set a goal of learning a framework in 3 days. So I highly recommend setting goals and building systems around those goals. Personally, I prefer to use habits to build my system of achieving goals, whether it is making a small part of the goal into a daily or weekly habit.

Get Certifications🎓

Certifications are a sure way to boost your resume and they're reliable ways of showing employers or recruiters that you have mastered a skill. You can use them to get a promotion at work or even a new role.

Apply for a promotion at your workplace🎉

Apply for a promotion at work with evidence of your previous work output and achievements. Or better still, you can inquire from the management about the things you need to do to qualify for a promotion and start doing them.

Change Jobs🏢

Apply and interview for more challenging roles to rouse your experiences.

Apply for tech programs and fellowships🔖

There are several programs and fellowships that open up applications every year. You might consider applying to a few of them to learn more and meet new people in the tech space.

Take short breaks🔅

We all have to be hardworking and diligent at our work, however, we do not want to experience burnout. Breaks are also needed for reflection and review. Try to take short breaks periodically and have a healthy work-life balance.

There are so many things to do, but don't overwhelm yourself. Take it one step at a time and don't forget to celebrate yourself. Happy New Year!💚