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Hy everyone💕, welcome back to my blog😙! I'm just going to have this post here as some kind of career update stuff and I also believe that quite a number of newbie developers can relate to this and hopefully someone gets encouraged. Also, note that it's going to be quite a short article as well😤.
So a few days ago, I got a notification of a reaction on my very first hashnode post. It was written and posted nearly a year ago and I had at the time just started to learn how to code. Reading that blog post again just reminded me of my journey in my tech career and also my struggles and wins as well. One of my major most recent struggles was landing my first tech role. As expected, I started to learn how to code, picked up a coding syllabus, joined several tech communities, practiced and built projects, went through a few internship programs, built my personal portfolio, and all of that good stuff💻.
However, the time to start applying for a full-time role came upon me as I strongly believed that I was ripe for that, and of course, my belief was also confirmed by people that I considered mentors in the tech world. As a matter of fact, quite a number of people were even disappointed that I hadn't started applying for jobs. So, yes, I was so pumped with excitement to start the process. But after about a month, I lost all of my excitement, to be specific I was so dejected and disappointed in myself. Rejection emails 📧 were literally flowing in for me. I got a lot of "Unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with your application, but we appreciate your time and interest....."
Then I started to reach out to people and also tried to search for hints, tips, or just any sort of advice and I got quite a number of helpful tips which I plan to share in a future well-researched and informative article. (This post is just me ranting and hoping someone can relate and can be encouraged). Later on, I started moving past the initial stages of my job application but I still was getting rejected eventually though nevertheless, I thought of it as progress in some way.
Ultimately, I got my first big YES, followed by a bigger YESSS some months later. I totally understand that this might not be the reality for some people and it could literally be a totally different story for them. So this post is dedicated to that newbie developer that is currently struggling to land their first role in tech. I've been there and it's not quite an interesting place to be. You might be doubting yourself or your abilities or maybe like me you might just think, "I guess this thing is not for me, I should just let it go".
However, I can assure you that these rejections are not the end, one day, your worth will be seen and you'll get your big YES. So keep pushing, keep coding, keep learning, keep building projects and stay jiggy!💪